Judgment Day: World

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The human race is under an imminent judgment so severe that it will not be believed by born-again Christians (Jer 25:30-31 KJV)

The Lord, Elohiym the Son of God (the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ), shouts in global judgment twice in the history of humanity (from the foundation of the earth): once at the Beginning of Sorrows (Jer 25:30-31, Zeph 3:8, Psa 50:3-5, Matt 24:5-8, Jer 25:26-27 KJV) and again at the Rapture (1 Thess 4:16, Luk 17:34, 1 Cor 15:52, Rev 12:5 KJV).

At every appearance of Elohiym, he brings judgment to the unrighteous and he rewards the righteous.

Why is the Lord shouting in judgment?

He is long-suffering and has chosen the Beginning of Sorrows (this is the end of the age of grace and the beginning of the age of judgment) to punish all the inhabitants of the earth (Jer 25:15-16,26-27,29 KJV). Through their corrupt and aberrant behavior (whether they know it or not), humans continue to serve and worship devils (Josh 24:2,14-15,23, Rev 9:20-21 KJV).

2,000 years ago, humans rejected Jesus Christ in person and still refuse to accept him into their hearts today. Only the Lord can release them from the bondage (corrupt darkness) they live and die in (Gal 5:1, John 8:33-34, 2 Pet 2:19 KJV). All humans (and sadly, few know it) are influenced by demons, evil spirits, and fallen angels whose collective purpose is to keep humanity in bondage, focused on the physical environment and not the spiritual, and accepting sinfulness as ‘normal’ behavior (Matt 6:24, Luk 16:13, Psa 82:2-5, Eph 6:12 KJV).

Here are just a few examples of the result of the deception and bondage in which humanity is kept:

  • believing abortion until birth is moral
  • men believing they are women (even pretending they experience period cramps) and women as men
  • the addition of poisons to the air, food, water, and pharmaceuticals
  • societies focused on idolizing wealth and the material world
  • the pretense that doctors alone decide gender and thus ‘God puts people in the wrong body’
  • the continuing normalization of pedophilia (even babies!)
  • the curbing of the right to free speech (1A)
  • the erosion of the right to protect ourselves (2A)
  • the planned destruction of nation states through rampant immigration, job-reduction, asset-stripping, and false economic policies
  • the decimation of agriculture, forestry, farming, and fishing to remove our natural food sources

The unsaved are already lost (unless they come to Christ before the decree) because they don’t know that they have long ago accepted the deception and bondage and don’t know that they serve these same gods, who are fallen angels (Psa 82:5, John 8:44 KJV).

As it was in the days of Noe (Luk 17:26-28, Matt 24:38 KJV).

The leaders of organized religion are the deceivers

Sadly, many born-again saints are also deceived (Matt 24:4, Luk 21:8-9 KJV). Most will not search the scriptures for themselves to confirm that what they are hearing from the pulpit is true (Acts 17:11, 1 John 4:1 KJV). They are comfortable believing that their pastors cannot sin and don’t tell lies!

These saints don’t know that the deceivers are the evangelists, pastors, and teachers of organized religion who come in the Lord’s name saying he is Christ (Mark 13:6, Matt 24:5,11 KJV).  How is this possible? It is due to the lackadaisical attitude of born-again saints towards gaining understanding and knowing the word for themselves. They can be told lies as truth and wouldn’t know it. This is due to the existence and activity of the spirit of error (1 John 4:6, 1 John 4:1 KJV). The main way that saints enter into a state of deception is by giving heed to teachers, who themselves are influenced by the spirit of error.

Let’s look at the occurrences of the Lord’s shout

For almost 2,000 years these scriptures have been under our noses. So why are they not being taught by the leadership of today’s church? There are only two reasons: because they don’t know or they don’t want you to know.

These scriptures refer to the occurrences of the Lord’s shout at two global events. Each judgment is against all the inhabitants of the earth: the Beginning of Sorrows and again at the Rapture.

All the biblical prophets who tell us that the Lord will, “roar from on high”, “utter his Holy voice”, and “give a shout” at these two global events, are describing different aspects of the same two events.

Jer 25:30-31
Psa 50:3-5
Jer 25:29
Zeph 2:2-3
Zeph 3:8
Jer 25:26
1 Thess 4:16
Isa 24:1-2,17-18
Matt 24:8
Luke 21:10

Study the above verses carefully to reveal what you are not being told by the leadership of organized religion. Once the truth has been made clear, you will have to make a decision: stay in organized religion and continue to be deceived or follow the path of the truth.

Do you know who the scribes and Pharisees of today are? (Jer 23:1-2, Matt 23:13,25,35-36 KJV).

What is imminent? When will this happen?

The Father tells the Son, “Sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool” (Psa 110:1, Matt 22:44 KJV). This refers to the Father’s judgment of not just unrighteous humans but also fallen nations (non-human species who populate the creation), and, of course, fallen angels. Each group is judged in its own time and according to its own behavior (Jer 25:26-27, Zeph 3:8, Luk 21:25-26 KJV).

The main sign of the imminency of his coming is that born-again Christians will be deceived (Matt 24:3-4, Luk 21:8, Mark 13:5-6, 2 Tim 3:13 KJV). Therefore, we are on the cusp of the event. His judgment is at hand.

How are fallen angels used in this judgment?

At the Beginning of Sorrows (Matt 24:8, Mark 13:8 KJV), Adamic man’s dominion of the surface world will cease and be replaced by the return of Satan and the Fourth Empire (the collective name for all fallen angels) from the earth’s interior (Dan 7:3-4 KJV). They will reclaim what they once had before Adam: dominion of the entire earth (the heavens, surface, and subterranean regions) (Isa 14:6,12 KJV).

At the shout, a noise will be heard to the ends of the Earth (Jer 25:31 KJV) which releases innumerable demons from the subterranean regions upon the surface of the Earth. These demons will incite humans to fight against and destroy each other based on ethnic and national groupings (Eze 32:18, Matt 24:7 KJV).

Satan has weakened and destroyed nearly every species of living being populating the creation since his fall (Isa 14:6,10,12,16-17 KJV). These Luciferians will be the terrifying instrument of the Lord’s judgment on humanity, as now they will walk the surface as they did throughout the days of Adam, Noah, Moses, and Joshua (Josh 24:2, Deut 17:3, Deut 29:6, Josh 23:16 KJV). This time the interaction will be intensified.

What can you do to be protected from this judgment?

Zeph 2:2-3 instructs the meek of the earth to seek out the Lord before his decree and fierce anger come upon the earth. The Lord is speaking to the uncommitted born-again Christian.

Those who wish to be protected from this judgment are told to seek righteousness, that they may be hidden in that day of his anger. Total commitment to him and giving up our lives in the world protects us.

Watch this video

The Prototokos mystery (pt 230): The Beginning of Sorrows 3

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